Memorial Day Recap

ribs, chicken, and carbs. yum!

poor Mr. Man, he always so embarrassed of my barbaric eating habits…

don’t i look much more attractive with BBQ sauce on my face?

once the storms stopped, we could enjoy the cloudy weather with cigars. AH note my humidity hair!

Lake Geneva, WI for Memorial Day…perfect weather

when can i be rich enough to own one of those houses?

Mr. Man just loves having his picture taken

please take a second to sign this petition to try and help save wolves from aerial hunting and slaughter. it only takes 2 seconds to make a difference.


  1. Cori says:

    Haha…my sister's in-laws eat ribs with a knife and fork! Now THAT was awkward. She looked very barbaric at their get-together. haha. It looks like you had a great weekend and a yummy one, at that! 🙂


  2. Jessica says:

    Aww your boyfriend really doesn't want his picture taken lol

    Great pictures I haven't been to Lake Geneva in a couple years. I think that needs to change!

    I signed the petition too and sent it to my friends


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