Wordless Wednesday

Jay loves to be stylin in his shades.

JR’s on top of the couch. Learned this in a week from stray kitty.

They look better in a bikini than I do!

What Mom?! This is MY bed afterall.

Check out Wordless Wednesday at Blog Paws!

And please, please, please sign this petition to get rid of the Android App that simulates dog fighting. It may not harm any animals directly, but it definately allows people to think dog fighting is okay. It’s not.

my goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am.


  1. Jessica says:

    Awe Jay is so cute with his shades on, he must be a good boy to let them stay on like that!

    The bikini pic is priceless! I also voted for the petition, that's sick they have an app for dog fighting.


  2. Rissy says:

    eww why is there an app to simulate dog fighting. People are idiots.

    Is it weird that when I saw that first picture I went “hmm I wonder if sometimes dogs actually need sunglasses?” I'm not normal. I know this.

    Your doggy is soo cute!



  3. Joey says:

    Cute dogs! Jay looks well cool in those shades

    In reply to your comment on my blog: Oh, you should definitely give bubble tea a try. If the pearls are done right, it can get pretty addictive πŸ™‚


  4. Erin says:

    LoL these pictures are great! So fun. My dog sits on the back of the sofa like a cat too. Good thing I'm not the only dog owner with a confused pup πŸ˜‰


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